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Texas A&M University

Groups and Dynamics Seminar

Date: March 20, 2024

Time: 3:00PM - 4:00PM

Location: BLOC 123

Speaker: Patricia Alonso Ruiz, Texas A&M University


Title: Who is the spectrum of the Sierpinski Gasket? Introductions by an analyst.

Abstract: At a party over spring break, a group theorist and an analyst colleague discover they are both acquainted with a fractal called the Sierpinski gasket. "Are you also familiar with its spectrum?'' the group theorist asks. "Indeed!'' the analyst replies with excitement. "It is remarkably interesting: a rather precise characterization, exponentially growing gaps, an explicit minimal gap, and still some features remain unknown...''. The two colleagues decide to find a whiteboard to formally portray the spectrum as they have got to known it. This talk will present the analyst's (still incomplete) picture.